Press Release by GALCK and KHRC on the KNCHR Report

The Gay and Lesbian Coalition of Kenya (GALCK) and the Kenya Human Rights
Commission (KHRC) commend the great work done by the Kenya National Commission
on Human Rights (KNCHR) in their recently launched report on the "public
inquiry into violations of sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) in

GALCK and KHRC are cognizant of the numerous violations that sexual and gender
minorities continue to face, relating to their sexual and reproductive health
rights and other human rights, on the basis of their sexual orientation and
gender identity. We recall that all human rights are universal and inalienable
and, in encouraging the realization of these rights in Kenya, GALCK and KHRC
endorse the recommendations set out in the KNCHR report and further urge the
Government of Kenya and non-state actors:

To support efforts aimed at creating awareness at the community level and
increase the dissemination of messages for acceptance of the different genders
and sexual orientations in the society.
To take appropriate steps to ensure that all persons are treated equally
before the law and that discrimination on any of the grounds contemplated under
Article 27(4) of the Constitution of Kenya is dealt with.
To take appropriate action against the perpetrators of cruel, inhuman and
degrading treatment meted out against the sexual and gender minority
To decriminalize consensual same sex activities while respecting the right to
privacy alongside other basic human rights as enshrined in the Constitution of
Kenya, 2010.
To create an enabling legal and structural environment for transgendered
persons so as to enable them acquire the necessary identification, therapy and
GALCK and KHRC urge all state and non-state actors to recognize, promote and
protect the rights of all persons in Kenya including the sexual and gender
minorities. Politicians, law and policy makers, religious leaders, media,
education and health practitioners should respect and protect these rights,
without exclusion.

GALCK and KHRC urge all state and non-state actors to recognize, promote and
protect the rights of all persons in Kenya including the sexual and gender
minorities. Politicians, law and policy makers, religious leaders, media,
education and health practitioners should respect and protect these rights,
without exclusion.

Further, GALCK and KHRC call for informed and objective dialogue on the issues
raised in the KNCHR report and hopes that the spewing homophobic statements
that have been carried in some sections of the media will be dealt with in
order to foster respect for diversity and for the human dignity of all human

On May 17th, the world marks the International Day Against Homophobia and
Trans phobia (IDAHO). Across the world thousands of people come together to
hold activities and re-affirm their commitment to ending the persecution that
LGBT communities and individuals face today.

Our objective this year is to instigate constructive public dialogues among
Kenyans on issues of sexual and gender diversity. These conversations should
serve to dispel negative myths and beliefs of the LGBT community in Kenya and
reinforce a safe and enabling environment for the realization of human rights
for LGBT people.

We welcome the media and members of the public to join us in commemorating
this great day at the Go-Down Arts Centre on Thursday 17th May 2012 from 3pm to

Yours Sincerely,

Maqc Eric
Atsango Chesoni,

Executive Director

Gay and Lesbian Coalition of
Kenya Human Rights Commission


Pubblicato da Lorenzo Bernini