Liberian Church: ‘Leave gay rights to America’

A clergyman has lashed out at the influence of foreign powers in Liberia.

Rudolph Marsh, an outspoken clergyman representing the Liberia Council of
Churches, called on Christians and Muslims to remain united and work against
gay rights.

Christian and Muslim faith leaders have officially launched a campaign against
gay rights in Liberia


Speaking at an anti-gay marriage rally on Saturday (10 November), he referred
to the marriage equality wins in the US states of Maine, Maryland and

He said: 'There are good things in America that we can copy.

'We don't have to copy the bad ones, let's leave the bad ones with Americans.'

The Interreligious Council has now launched a campaign to intensify anti-gay
rights in the country, despite sodomy already being a criminal act.

Recently, a bill where gay people could be either sentenced to death or life
imprisonment passed through to the senate where the House of Representatives
will approve it.

It will then be up to the Nobel Peace Prize winner and President Ellen Johnson
Sirleaf to sign into law.

After the Liberian President said she would not sign any law approving gay
rights, the United States State Department urged her to reconsider.

Johnson Sirleaf then softened her position, and said her government would
'guarantee people's civil liberties'.

She now faces pressure from the Interreligious Council, who is seeking 1
million signatures for their campaign.

According to the head of the citizen's movement, Jim Tornonlah, more than
25,000 signatures have already been gathered.

Liberia's only known gay rights campaigner Archie Ponpon told the Associated
Foreign Press that people should be allowed to believe what they want, but it
does not give them the right to attack him verbally and physically.

He said he is 'trying to liberalize the minds of people about the rights of
others to do what they want to do.'

Ponpon was mobbed at least twice after he announced the formation of his gay
rights group, and his mother's house was burned to the ground.

Sirleaf Johnson was awarded the Novel Peace Prize in 2011, but some gay
activists have said she should be stripped of the award if she backs down on
her promise to veto further anti-gay legislation.

pubblicato da Lorenzo Bernini